ABAZZ please!

29 Feb


I bought the domain months before our wedding – hoping that the site can be used to replace our invitation card and etc.

As time flies, the dream remained and reality bit. I didn’t, or more precisely, we didn’t use the website as to send our online invitation. Facebook won. There goes my $$ – dalam angan-angan nak berjimat tak mo tempah kad lebih.

What will happen to the site?

Knowing my husband, he is not into kosong-kosong punya entry and furthermore he is now busy with his new baby; HERE.

Thus, the contract for abazz is 1 year and I can’t stand the fact that the blog is useless not really being use. Then I made a decision, let me blog there. No blogspot. No wordpress. Just .net. Smart ar?

So, if you feel boring, stress, and want to know about my story, feel free to visit my our blog HERE.

Thank you friends 🙂

Lamaran – lamaran itu

27 Jan

Saya pilih utk melepaskan ia-ia pergi meski tempat-tempat itu menjanjikan peluang yang cerah dalam kerjaya perbankan Islam. Mereka cukup gah tetapi masih belum tiba masa utk sy meninggalkan “parents” ini.

Sama seperti lamaran perkahwinan, kadang-kadang yg datang mungkin sehensem Brad Pitt, semacho DiCaprio, dan se-bisa-mencairkan-wanita seperti Anuar Zain; tapi bila si gadis belum bersedia utk berkahwin dan berpisah dari ibu bapanya, maka perkahwinan itu akan menjadi payah. Begitulah. 

Chin up.

I will be a professional chartered in few years time. InshaAllah. Don’t u worry about that darling. But for the time being, biarlah saya di sini, membalas jasa dan menjalani hidup dengan rentak perlahan seketika. Tahun lepas terlalu pantas bagi saya. Kadang -kadang rasa tak sempat nk bernafas. Tahun ini saya mahu bernafas sambil menghidu bau kota. Meski bau kota bukan bau terbaik utk dihidu.

Mungkin akan datang lamaran yang lebih baik dari ini. Ataupun jika benar saya berjodoh dengan mereka-mereka itu, biarlah saya dalam keadaan bersedia. Meninggalkan parents tanpa menyusahkan mereka 🙂 Perkahwinan yang ini, biar tidak mengubah status dan tanggungjawab secara total, biarlah dilakukan dengan baik, bukan dengan kahwin lari.

The day she is somebody’s fiance~

24 Jan


She was my roomate back in our study years. We witnessed each others ups and downs; happiness, sad, and sorrow.

She was my bridesmaid and always by my side (on my wedding day) with the puff to do some touch up. Last weekend she got engaged to a man of her life (ehem). After months of planning, alhamdulillah everything goes well.

May everything goes well.

Selamat bertunang nina dan hamka.


The definition of engagement!


The candy bar and the guest board.

What’s up?

18 Jan

Terima kasih En Suami, sekarang guwa boleh berblog mengikut kesukaan.. Di mana sahaja pada bila-bila masa.

How’s life?
Mine is great. Baru je masuk kerja last week tapi dah dua hari qmc. Demam selsema. Uhuk-uhuk. Batuk-batuk. Kerja? For the time being is great. Busy dan guna otak untuk fikir; tapi seronok. Banyak belajar benda-benda baru. Bos pun bos  baru dan teammate pun teammate baru.

Playing with number lately. Yummy!

Friday’s ramblingsssss

13 Jan

I am at the mcD. Otw home from the clinic. I just dont feel strong enough to go home. The stairs seem too many right now. Every part of my body is aching. The doc said I got an infection. But it is not that worst. May be…..

I got the mc – if u r wondering about my job. A lot more to learn at work. Almost everything is new to me. The technical names demand me to be very close to Mr Google. But it is kinda of interesting. Challenge!

The exam result suppose to be released today. May I pass all the subjects. I am not ready for another failure yet.

Husband is away and it is normal. So stop asking about how do i feel question again peeps. I will snap. I promise you B-)

Got to go. I need another cup of coffee and a lot of courage to go home.